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PET induction liner

PET Induction Lier

PET induction liner is for PET and PVC bottle cap sealing MORE >>

PE induction liner

PE Induction Liner

PE induction liner is for PE (polyethylene) bottle cap sealing MORE >>

PP induction liner

PP Induction Liner

PP induction liner is for PP (polypropylene) bottle cap sealing MORE >>

universal induction liner

Universal Indcution Liner

The universal induction liner is for all kind of bottle cap sealing, for example glass, PET, PE, PP, PVC, acrylic and ceramics containers MORE >>

HMA induction liner

HMA (Hot Melt Adhesive) Induction Liner

The HMA induction liner also can be used to seal glass, PET, PE, PP, PVC, acrylic and ceramics containers MORE >>